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Sunday, December 4, 2011


Nepali: Thakal
Hindi: Bharbhand
English : Prickly poppy
Sanskrit: Brahmadandi
Scientific Name: Argemon mexicana Linn.

Family: Papaveraceae
Habit: An erect , prickly annual herb
Flowering and Fruiting Period: December-June

Chemical Constituents:
        The fatty acid composition of the oil from the seeds obtained is myristic,1; Palmitic, 12; stearic,5; arachidic,1; oleic,23 and linoleic , 58%.

    Tropical to Sub-tropical zones.

Description :
    An erect , prickly annual herb, up to 1.2m height, naturalized upto an altitude of 1500m.

  The seeds are emetic and narcotic. Seeds are reported to be used for diarrohea and dysentry.

Source: Dutta, I.C. (2007). Non Timber Forest Products of Nepal.


Nepali: Alaichi
Sanskrit: Bahula
English: Large or greater cardamom , Nepal cardamom
Hindi: Bari-elachi
Scientific Name: Amomum subulatum Roxb.

Family: Zingiberaceae
Habit: Herb
Forest type: Temperate to sub-tropical
Flowering Period: March
Fruiting Period: August-September

Chemical Constituents:
           An essential oil extracted from the seeds which is rich in cineole.

    Grown best between altitudes of 500-1800m.

     Leafy stem, 0.9-1.2m in height , leaves 30-60 by 7.5-10 cm; calyx and corolla tube 2.5cm ; capsule 2.5cm globose, red-brown and densely echinate.

    The seeds are aromatic and pungent, with a sharp, pleasant taste. It is also used in the preparation of snuff and Agarbatti, an incense stick.

Source: Dutta, I.C. (2007). Non Timber Forest Products of Nepal.


Nepali: KandeLunde
Sanskrit: Tanduliya
English : Spiny amaranth, Spiny pigweed
Hindi: Kantabhaji
Scientific Name: Amaranthus spinosus Linn.

Family: Amaranthaceae
Habit : A spinous annual or perennial herb
Flowering and Fruiting Period: Almost throughout the year

Chemical Constituents:
       The leaves and stems contain alpha-spinasterol and hentriacontane.

          Tropical zone
    An erect spinous annual or perennial herb varying in color from green to purple, native to tropical America.
     The ash of this plant is used either alone or mixed with equal quantities of powdered tobacco in making snuff.

Source: Dutta, I.C. (2007). Non Timber Forest Products of Nepal.


Nepali: Chhatiwan
Sanskrit: Saptaparna
English: Dita bark, devil's tree
Hindi: Chatium
Scientific Name: Alstonia scholaris (Linn.) R. Br.

Family: Apocynaceae
Habit: Evergreen glabrous tree
Flowering Period: March-April
Fruiting Period: May

Chemical Constituents:
              Alkaloides- ditamine and echitamine, echitamidine.

    Tropical zone and low level in Nepal.

Conservation Status

            A large , buttressed , evergreen tree, 12-18m in height, sometimes reaching upto 27m, and 2.4m in girth with a straight bole of 12m , found up to an altitude of 800m.

     Bark is acrid, bitter, healing astringent , tonic, alternative and febrifuge.

Source: Dutta, I.C. (2007). Non Timber Forest Products of Nepal.


Nepali: Gheukumari
English: Indian aloe
Hindi: Ghee-kanwar
Synonym : Aloe barbadensis

Family: Liliaceae
Habit: Perennial herb
Flowering Period: September-January

Chemical Constituents:
             Glycodise, aloesin, malic, citric and tartaric acids.

        Mediterranean (Cultivated)

       A coarse-looking perennial plant with a short stem, found in a semi-wild part of the country.
    The plant is sweet, bitter and cooling.

Source: Dutta, I.C. (2007). Non Timber Forest Products of Nepal.

Rato Pate

Nepali : Rato Pate
Sanskrit: Nilkanthi

Family: Labiatae
Habit: A diffused branched aromatic annual herb.
Flowering Period: March-May
Fruiting Period: March-May
Scientific Name: Ajuga bracteosa wall.ex Benth.

 Chemical Constituents:
         The petroleum ether extract of the plant contains ceryl alcohal .

           Subtropical zone (2000m)
      A diffusely branched, aromatic annual.

     The herb is credited with astringent , febrifugal , stimulant, aperient , tonic and is used for the treatment of gout and rheumatism, palsy and amenorrhea.

Source: Dutta, I.C. (2007). Non Timber Forest Products of Nepal.


Nepali: Ketuki
Hindi: Kantala
Sanskrit: Kantala
English : American aloe
Scientific Name: Agave americana Linn.

 Family: Agacaceae
Habit: A stemless, stout shrubby plant
Flowering and Fruiting Period: December-March

Chemical Constituents:
     The leaves contain ten steroidal saponins.

     Subtropical Zone

    A stemless plant, native to America, often met with as an escape in waste places.

    Leaves furnish a strong and durable fibre. It is used for ropes, cordage, lashing , calico, bales, long lines for ships, mats, carpets, sacking and for making scrubbing brushes.

Source: Dutta, I.C. (2007). Non Timber Forest Products of Nepal.